Kris Ardrey | Graphic Design | Atlantis Map
Atlantis Map
Type: Illustration
Client: Locodog
Year: 2022
Credit: Concept, illustration and color.

In 1761, the Spanish Sailor Juan Andrés de Belloso was returning to Spain from Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay) when his boat was shipwrecked in strange conditions.

He was picked up by native fishermen and taken to some point on the African coast where they gave him an ancient and mysterious map of unknown lands. It is known that in 1768, a rich merchant acquired it for a few coins in Seville, Spain, and took it to Italy where we lost track of the document.

It reappears in Germany, at the beginning of the 20th century, and is studied by the prestigious Professor Van Hecksmann who declares to be amazed and in love with the map. On his transfer to the University of Lieptzer it is stolen and has remained hidden ever since.

It was in the year 2016 when Kris Ardrey and Sokko found it in a small Turkish market. It was rolled up among old papers and other maps of equal rarity. Thanks to a digital scanning process, we have been able to reproduce it and make it available to everyone.